ZION Staten Island
We’re a new church on the North Shore of Staten Island. Learn more about us, explore our sermons, and connect with us.
Locations & Time

693 Jewett Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10314

Every Sunday Starting at 11:45AM

Kids Ministry Provided for 10 Year Olds and Under
Looking for a Staten Island church family? We would love to meet you!
Staten Island Church —
ZION values community and aims towards Sunday not being the entire experience. We are intentional to hang out during the week, open the scriptures, enjoy a good time, and help walk with one another through life’s difficulties and joys. We gather on Sunday to encourage one another but that is not where it ends. To find out more about us and be a part of what we are doing all week long, jump on our app.

Christian Church in Staten Island —
This congregation on the North Shore of Staten Island is just getting started. We are part of a larger church movement that started right over the bridge in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. From the very beginning, we had Staten Island natives who wanted to see God do a new work on the Island and five years later have launched this new congregation. We are excited to be a part of this work in our leadership team's native backyard.
Christian Church in Staten Island
ZION Staten Island is a new church congregation on the Island. We meet on the North Shore and were formed by a group of natives to NYC. Our hope of creating a community Christian center on Staten Island was realized in the Summer of 2021. We are a diverse group of believers that wants to make Jesus central to our everyday lives. Our church originated in Brooklyn, NY but with a growing part of our congregation from Staten Island, we knew we needed to start a Christian church in Staten Island, NY as well. ZION Staten Island is formed around three major values: community, discipleship, and prayer. We believe those three values are what we should measure ourselves against and what we should work to be shaped into in our decisions. Joining the growing number of Christian churches in Staten Island, NY is an honor, and we are here for the long haul!
What to Expect
When you arrive at our Christian church in Staten Island for the first time you will be welcomed by a greeter at the door. We have service sheets that we hand out as you come in that have the order of service. Every week we start off with a Call to Worship from the scripture, move into song, hear a sermon from the scriptures, and end with prayer and song. After each service, we have a time to eat, get to know each other, and hang out before we go home. Creating space for families and friends to interact is central to how we view church. It is not a location that we go to but a group of people we are a part of.
What Type of Church Are We?
Our church aims to be biblical in everything we do and are structured around the scriptures. Our team takes very seriously the orthodoxy of the scriptures and ordering our lives around the ancient truths of the Bible. We are very similar to non-denominational churches in Staten Island, NY. To see our Statement of Faith and learn about what we believe, you can check out our About page. This North Shore church is all about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Community in Staten Island
Our church knows the importance of community. We have a growing community of believers that are tired of walking through life alone on Staten Island and have committed to intentionally sacrifice time and space to foster spaces for building relationships. We have an app and a WhatsApp chat to marry the spontaneous hang outs with the planned get togethers — Each important to fostering depth. However you connect best, we hope to provide a space that will help you lean in.
We meet right off of Maine Ave on the North Shore of Staten Island. When you walk up to our location, you will see our signs outside (whether the A sign or the waving flags) and know we are there. Our church in Jewett Avenue, Staten Island is easy to get to by bus (S66, S48, S93), train, or car. The best churches in Staten Island are the ones that aim to bring glory to God and form us deeper into obedience of his Word. That is our hope and prayer.